The aims and objects of the association are:

  1. To foster and promote good relationship among the members of the teaching staff, students

and parents/guardians of the students.

  1. To create in members a keen interest for the smooth working of the college and for

maintaining good discipline and high academic standards.

  1. To collect subscriptions, donations, gifts etc., from members, non-members and the other

Institutions for furthering the aims and objects of the association.

  1. To institute scholarships, prizes, medals etc., to benefit students showing a high proficiency

in their studies. 


– The parents/guardians of all the students on the rolls of the college during a year shall be eligible to be members of the Association.

-The Principal and the other members of the teaching staff shall be members of the Association.


President:  (Principal)Prof.(Dr) Sudha Bhai

Vice President: Smt.Manju C Nair

Secretary : Sri.Rajesh Kumar, Assistant Professor in Malayalam

Other executive members(parents/guardians)

Department HoDs

Dr.Shylaja Kumari P, Vice principal, HoD Zoology

Dr. Jiju V Jacob, Associate professor, HoD English

Dr.  Deepa Mathew, Assistant Professor in Commerce

Sri. Subhash Nair, HoD,  Physical Education


Executive members

  1. Mr.Mani Raj (parents/guardians)
  2. Mr. Mari Muthu(parents/guardians)
  3.   Smt.Manju C Nair(parents/guardians)
  4. (parents/guardians)


The Parent Teachers Association has been functioning actively and effectively in the college. Meetings of the Association are convened regularly and matters concerning the discipline, welfare and academic progress of the students are discussed. The interaction between parents and teachers has helped considerably in improving the academic standard of the college. The PTA has instituted a fund to award scholarships to students who score the highest marks in the University examinations and for the outstanding sports persons from the college each year.
