
 Scholarship Co-ordination committee

The scholarship co-ordination committee was formed with an aim to make students aware of Scholarships provided by various organizations.  The Scholarship Co-ordination committee, with the help of College office provides timely directions and necessary instructions in relation with the procedure to be followed for the submission of application.

Scholarship Nodal Officer:

Dr. Deepa Mathew (Asst. Professor , Dept. of Commerce)

Details of Scholarships 2018-19

Sl No. Name of Scholarship No. Applied No. selected Amount
1 Suvarna Jubilee Merit Scholarship 1 1 10000/Y
2 State Merit Scholarship 3 0 1250/Y
3 Post Matric Scholarship 6 6 10000/Y
4 Snehapoorvam Scholarship 3 3 10000/Y
5 Central Sector Scholarship 2 2 10000/Y
6 Higher Education Scholarship 12 0 10000/Y

Details of Scholarships 2019-20

(Screening and selection under process)

Sl No. Name of Scholarship No. Applied No. selected Amount
1 Suvarna Jubilee Merit Scholarship 3 0 10000/Y
2 State Merit Scholarship 1 0 1250/Y
3 Post Matric Scholarship 7 7 10000/Y
4 Snehapoorvam Scholarship 1 1 10000/Y
5 Central Sector Scholarship 2 2 10000/Y
6 Higher Education Scholarship 1 0 10000/Y